
SHOT currently consists of 6 men's teams and 12 women's teams. These can be divided into two categories, namely the selection teams and the breadth teams. For both men and women, the 1st and 2nd team are selections. All selection teams train twice a week under the guidance of a trainer who also works with them every Sunday as a coach. If you are interested and/or would like more information about the selection, please visit the selection page. The width teams are all other teams, so these are men 3 to 6 and women 3 to 12. These teams all train one times a week and all currently have a trainer.

Interested in making a selection at TSHV SHOT? Which can!

Our Men 1 and Ladies 1 are both currently playing in the 3rd division. Ladies 2 plays reserve 2nd class and H2 plays reserve 1st class.


  • You select for a student team full of girls and boys who have played hockey at a high level. You play with peers in a team. In addition to hockey, fun and student life are also of paramount importance. Hockey Sunday is known for fanatical hockey, a fun third half, drinks with other teams and dancing/drinks in the evening in Café Brandpunt or Olympia Sports Bar. Low membership fee!

If you would like to come to a selection training or would like to participate earlier, please email



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